Note: The following regulations of the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Program were replaced by amendments adopted by the North Carolina Supreme Court on June, 14, 2023. The new regulations will not be enforced until March 1, 2024.
Section .1500
(a) Scope
Except as provided herein, these rules shall apply to every active member licensed by the North Carolina State Bar.
(b) Purpose
The purpose of these continuing legal education rules is to assist lawyers licensed to practice and practicing law in North Carolina in achieving and maintaining professional competence for the benefit of the public whom they serve. The North Carolina State Bar, under Chapter 84 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, is charged with the responsibility of providing rules of professional conduct and with disciplining attorneys who do not comply with such rules. The Revised Rules of Professional Conduct adopted by the North Carolina State Bar and approved by the Supreme Court of North Carolina require that lawyers adhere to important ethical standards, including that of rendering competent legal services in the representation of their clients.
At a time when all aspects of life and society are changing rapidly or becoming subject to pressures brought about by change, laws and legal principles are also in transition (through additions to the body of law, modifications and amendments) and are increasing in complexity. One cannot render competent legal services without continuous education and training.
The same changes and complexities, as well as the economic orientation of society, result in confusion about the ethical requirements concerning the practice of law and the relationships it creates. The data accumulated in the discipline program of the North Carolina State Bar argue persuasively for the establishment of a formal program for continuing and intensive training in professional responsibility and legal ethics.
It has also become clear that in order to render legal services in a professionally responsible manner, a lawyer must be able to manage his or her law practice competently. Sound management practices enable lawyers to concentrate on their clients' affairs while avoiding the ethical problems which can be caused by disorganization.
It is in response to such considerations that the North Carolina State Bar has adopted these minimum continuing legal education requirements. The purpose of these minimum continuing legal education requirements is the same as the purpose of the Revised Rules of Professional Conduct themselves—to ensure that the public at large is served by lawyers who are competent and maintain high ethical standards.
(c) Definitions
(1) "Active member" shall include any person who is licensed to practice law in the state of North Carolina and who is an active member of the North Carolina State Bar.
(2) "Administrative Committee" shall mean the Administrative Committee of the North Carolina State Bar.
(3) "Approved program" shall mean a specific, individual educational program approved as a continuing legal education program under these rules by the Board of Continuing Legal Education.
(4) "Board" means the Board of Continuing Legal Education created by these rules.
(5) "Continuing legal education" or "CLE" is any legal, judicial or other educational activity accredited by the board. Generally, CLE will include educational activities designed principally to maintain or advance the professional competence of lawyers and/or to expand an appreciation and understanding of the professional responsibilities of lawyers.
(6) "Council" shall mean the North Carolina State Bar Council.
(7) "Credit hour" means an increment of time of 60 minutes which may be divided into segments of 30 minutes or 15 minutes, but no smaller.
(8) "Inactive member" shall mean a member of the North Carolina State Bar who is on inactive status.
(9) "In-house continuing legal education" shall mean courses or programs offered or conducted by law firms, either individually or in connection with other law firms, corporate legal departments, or similar entities primarily for the education of their members. The board may exempt from this definition those programs which it finds
(A) to be conducted by public or quasi-public organizations or associations for the education of their employees or members;
(B) to be concerned with areas of legal education not generally offered by sponsors of programs attended by lawyers engaged in the private practice of law.
(10) A "newly admitted active member" is one who becomes an active member of the North Carolina State Bar for the first time, has been reinstated, or has changed from inactive to active status.
(11) “On demand” program shall mean an accredited educational program accessed via the internet that is available at any time on a provider’s website and does not include live programming.
(12) “Online” program shall mean an accredited educational program accessed through a computer or telecommunications system such as the internet and can include simultaneously broadcast and on demand programming.
(13) "Participatory CLE" shall mean programs or segments of programs that encourage the participation of attendees in the educational experience through, for example, the analysis of hypothetical situations, role playing, mock trials, roundtable discussions, or debates.
(14) "Professional responsibility" shall mean those programs or segments of programs devoted to a) the substance, underlying rationale, and practical application of the Rules of Professional Conduct; b) the professional obligations of the lawyer to the client, the court, the public, and other lawyers; c) moral philosophy and ethical decision-making in the context of the practice of law; and d) the effects of stress, substance abuse and chemical dependency, or debilitating mental conditions on a lawyer's professional responsibilities and the prevention, detection, treatment, and etiology of stress, substance abuse, chemical dependency, and debilitating mental conditions. This definition shall be interpreted consistent with the provisions of Rule .1501(c)(4) or (6) above.
(15) "Professionalism" programs are courses or segments of programs devoted to the identification and examination of, and the encouragement of adherence to, non-mandatory aspirational standards of professional conduct which transcend the requirements of the Rules of Professional Conduct. Such programs address principles of competence and dedication to the service of clients, civility, improvement of the justice system, diversity of the legal profession and clients, advancement of the rule of law, service to the community, and service to the disadvantaged and those unable to pay for legal services.
(16) “Registered sponsor” shall mean an organization that is registered by the board after demonstrating compliance with the accreditation standards for continuing legal education programs as well as the requirements for reporting attendance and remitting sponsor fees for continuing legal education programs.
(17) "Rules" shall mean the provisions of the continuing legal education rules established by the Supreme Court of North Carolina (Section .1500 of this subchapter).
(18) "Sponsor" is any person or entity presenting or offering to present one or more continuing legal education programs, whether or not an accredited sponsor.
(19) “Technology training” shall mean a program, or a segment of a program, devoted to education on information technology (IT) or cybersecurity (see N.C. Gen. Stat. §143B1320(a)(11), or successor statutory provision, for a definition of “information technology”), including education on an information technology product, device, platform, application, or other tool, process, or methodology. To be eligible for CLE accreditation as a technology training program, the program must satisfy the accreditation standards in Rule .1519 and the course content requirements in Rule .1602(e) of this subchapter.
(20) "Year" shall mean calendar year.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 6, 1997; March 3, 1999; June 7, 2001; March 3, 2005; March 8, 2007; October 9, 2008; August 25, 2011; April 5, 2018; September 20, 2018; September 25, 2019
The Council of the North Carolina State Bar hereby establishes the Board of Continuing Legal Education (board) as a standing committee of the council, which board shall have authority to establish regulations governing a continuing legal education program and a law practice assistance program for attorneys licensed to practice law in this state.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The responsibility for operating the continuing legal education program and the law practice assistance program shall rest with the board, subject to the statutes governing the practice of law, the authority of the council, and the rules of governance of the board.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The board shall have nine members, all of whom must be attorneys in good standing and authorized to practice in the state of North Carolina.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The board shall have no members who are not licensed attorneys.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The members of the board shall be appointed as of the quarterly meeting of the council. The first members of the board shall be appointed as of the quarterly meeting of the council following the creation of the board. Thereafter, members shall be appointed annually as of the same quarterly meeting. Vacancies occurring by reason of death, resignation, or removal shall be filled by appointment of the council at the next quarterly meeting following the event giving rise to the vacancy, and the person so appointed shall serve for the balance of the vacated term. Any member of the board may be removed at any time by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the council in session at a regularly called meeting.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Each member who is appointed to the board shall serve for a term of three years beginning as of the first day of the month following the date on which the appointment is made by the council. See, however, Rule .1508 of this subchapter.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
It is intended that members of the board shall be elected to staggered terms such that three members are appointed in each year. Of the initial board, three members shall be elected to terms of one year, three members shall be elected to terms of two years, and three members shall be elected to terms of three years. Thereafter, three members shall be elected each year.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Each member of the board shall be entitled to serve for one full three-year term and to succeed himself or herself for one additional three-year term. Thereafter, no person may be reappointed without having been off the board for at least three years.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The chairperson of the board shall be appointed from time to time as necessary by the council. The term of such individual as chairperson shall be one year. The chairperson may be reappointed thereafter during his or her tenure on the board. The chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the board, shall prepare and present to the council the annual report of the board, and generally shall represent the board in its dealings with the public.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The vice-chairperson of the board shall be appointed from time to time as necessary by the council. The term of such individual as vice-chairperson shall be one year. The vice-chairperson may be reappointed thereafter during tenure on the board. The vice-chairperson shall preside at and represent the board in the absence of the chairperson and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the chairperson or by the board.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
(a) Funding for the program carried out by the board shall come from sponsor's fees and attendee's fees as provided below, as well as from duly assessed penalties for noncompliance and from reinstatement fees.
(1) Registered sponsors located in North Carolina (for programs offered in or outside North Carolina), registered sponsors not located in North Carolina (for programs offered in North Carolina), and all other sponsors located in or outside of North Carolina (for programs offered in North Carolina) shall, as a condition of conducting an approved program, agree to remit a list of North Carolina attendees and to pay a fee for each active member of the North Carolina State Bar who attends the program for CLE credit. The sponsor’s fee shall be based on each credit hour of attendance, with a proportional fee for portions of a program lasting less than an hour. The fee shall be set by the board upon approval of the council. Any sponsor, including a registered sponsor, that conducts an approved program which is offered without charge to attendees shall not be required to remit the fee under this section. Attendees who wish to receive credit for attending such an approved program shall comply with paragraph (a)(2) of this rule.
(2) The board shall fix a reasonably comparable fee to be paid by individual attorneys who attend for CLE credit approved continuing legal education programs for which the sponsor does not submit a fee under Rule .1512(a)(1) above. Such fee shall accompany the member's annual affidavit. The fee shall be set by the board upon approval of the council.
(b) Funding for a law practice assistance program shall be from user fees set by the board upon approval of the council and from such other funds as the council may provide.
(c) No Refunds for Exemptions and Record Adjustments.
(1) Exemption Claimed. If a credit hour of attendance is reported to the board, the fee for that credit hour is earned by the board regardless of an exemption subsequently claimed by the member pursuant to Rule .1517 of this subchapter. No paid fees will be refunded and the member shall pay the fee for any credit hour reported on the annual report form for which no fee has been paid at the time of submission of the member’s annual report form.
(2) Adjustment of Reported Credit Hours. When a sponsor is required to pay the sponsor’s fee, there will be no refund to the sponsor or to the member upon the member’s subsequent adjustment, pursuant to Rule .1522(a) of this subchapter, to credit hours reported on the annual report form. When the member is required to pay the attendee’s fee, the member shall pay the fee for any credit hour reported after any adjustment by the member to credit hours reported on the annual report form.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: September 22, 2016; April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019
All funds of the board shall be considered funds of the North Carolina State Bar and shall be administered and disbursed accordingly.
(a) Maintenance of Accounts: Audit - The North Carolina State Bar shall maintain a separate account for funds of the board such that such funds and expenditures therefrom can be readily identified. The accounts of the board shall be audited on an annual basis in connection with the audits of the North Carolina State Bar.
(b) Investment Criteria - The funds of the board shall be handled, invested and reinvested in accordance with investment policies adopted by the council for the handling of dues, rents, and other revenues received by the North Carolina State Bar in carrying out its official duties.
(c) Disbursement - Disbursement of funds of the board shall be made by or under the direction of the secretary-treasurer of the North Carolina State Bar pursuant to authority of the council. The members of the board shall serve on a voluntary basis without compensation, but may be reimbursed for the reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings of the board or its committees.
(d) All revenues resulting from the CLE program, including fees received from attendees and sponsors, late filing penalties, late compliance fees, reinstatement fees, and interest on a reserve fund shall be applied first to the expense of administration of the CLE program including an adequate reserve fund; provided, however, that a portion of each sponsor or attendee fee, in an amount to be determined by the council, shall be paid to the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism and to the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission for administration of the activities of these commissions. Excess funds may be expended by the council on lawyer competency programs approved by the council.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: December 30, 1998; November 5, 2015
The annual meeting of the board shall be held in October of each year in connection with the annual meeting of the North Carolina State Bar. The board by resolution may set regular meeting dates and places. Special meetings of the board may be called at any time upon notice given by the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, or any two members of the board. Notice of meeting shall be given at least two days prior to the meeting by mail, telegram, facsimile transmission or telephone. A quorum of the board for conducting its official business shall be a majority of the members serving at a particular time.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The board shall prepare at least annually a report of its activities and shall present the same to the council one month prior to its annual meeting.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
(a) The board shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) to exercise general supervisory authority over the administration of these rules;
(2) to adopt and amend regulations consistent with these rules with the approval of the council;
(3) to establish an office or offices and to employ such persons as the board deems necessary for the proper administration of these rules, and to delegate to them appropriate authority, subject to the review of the council;
(4) to report annually on the activities and operations of the board to the council and make any recommendations for changes in the rules or methods of operation of the continuing legal education program;
(5) to submit an annual budget to the council for approval and to ensure that expenses of the board do not exceed the annual budget approved by the council;
(6) to administer a law office assistance program for the benefit of lawyers who request or are required to obtain training in the area of law office management.
(b) The board shall be organized as follows:
(1) Quorum - Five members shall constitute a quorum of the board.
(2) The Executive Committee - The executive committee of the board shall be comprised of the chairperson, a vice-chairperson elected by the members of the board, and a member to be appointed by the chairperson. Its purpose is to conduct all necessary business of the board that may arise between meetings of the full board. In such matters it shall have complete authority to act for the board.
(3) Other Committees - The chairperson may appoint committees as established by the board for the purpose of considering and deciding matters submitted to them by the board.
(c) Appeals - Except as otherwise provided, the board is the final authority on all matters entrusted to it under Section .1500 and Section .1600 of this subchapter. Therefore, any decision by a committee of the board pursuant to a delegation of authority may be appealed to the full board and will be heard by the board at its next scheduled meeting. A decision made by the staff pursuant to a delegation of authority may also be reviewed by the full board but should first be appealed to any committee of the board having jurisdiction on the subject involved. All appeals shall be in writing. The board has the discretion to, but is not obligated to, grant a hearing in connection with any appeal regarding the accreditation of a program.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994; Amended by council October 22, 2004; March 3, 2005
(a) Notification of Board. To qualify for an exemption for a particular calendar year, a member shall notify the board of the exemption in the annual report for that calendar year sent to the member pursuant to Rule .1522 of this subchapter. All active members who are exempt are encouraged to attend and participate in legal education programs.
(b) Government Officials and Members of Armed Forces. The governor, the lieutenant governor, and all members of the council of state, members of the United States Senate, members of the United States House of Representatives, members of the North Carolina General Assembly, full-time principal chiefs and vice-chiefs of any Indian tribe officially recognized by the United States or North Carolina state governments, and members of the United States Armed Forces on full-time active duty are exempt from the requirements of these rules for any calendar year in which they serve some portion thereof in such capacity.
(c) Judiciary and Clerks. Members of the state judiciary who are required by virtue of their judicial offices to take an average of twelve (12) or more hours of continuing judicial or other legal education annually and all members of the federal judiciary are exempt from the requirements of these rules for any calendar year in which they serve some portion thereof in such judicial capacities. A full-time law clerk for a member of the federal or state judiciary is exempt from the requirements of these rules for any calendar year in which the clerk serves some portion thereof in such capacity, provided, however, that the exemption shall not exceed two consecutive calendar years and, further provided, that the clerkship begins within one year after the clerk graduates from law school or passes the bar examination for admission to the North Carolina State Bar whichever occurs later.
(d) Nonresidents. Any active member residing outside of North Carolina who does not practice in North Carolina for at least six (6) consecutive months and does not represent North Carolina clients on matters governed by North Carolina law shall be exempt from the requirements of these rules.
(e) Law Teachers. An exemption from the requirements of these rules shall be given to any active member who does not practice in North Carolina or represent North Carolina clients on matters governed by North Carolina law and who is:
(1) A full-time teacher at the School of Government (formerly the Institute of Government) of the University of North Carolina;
(2) A full-time teacher at a law school in North Carolina that is accredited by the American Bar Association; or
(3) A full-time teacher of law-related courses at a graduate level professional school accredited by its respective professional accrediting agency.
(f) Special Circumstances Exemptions. The board may exempt an active member from the continuing legal education requirements for a period of not more than one year at a time upon a finding by the board of special circumstances unique to that member constituting undue hardship or other reasonable basis for exemption, or for a longer period upon a finding of a permanent disability.
(g) Pro Hac Vice Admission. Nonresident attorneys from other jurisdictions who are temporarily admitted to practice in a particular case or proceeding pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 84-4.1 shall not be subject to the requirements of these rules.
(h) Senior Status Exemption. The board may exempt an active member from the continuing legal education requirements if
(1) the member is sixty-five years of age or older and
(2) the member does not render legal advice to or represent a client unless the member associates with another active member who assumes responsibility for the advice or representation.
(i) CLE Record During Exemption Period. During a calendar year in which the records of the board indicate that an active member is exempt from the requirements of these rules, the board shall not maintain a record of such member's attendance at accredited continuing legal education programs. Upon the termination of the member's exemption, the member may request carry over credit up to a maximum of twelve (12) credits for any accredited continuing legal education program attended during the calendar year immediately preceding the year of the termination of the exemption. Appropriate documentation of attendance at such programs will be required by the board.
(j) Permanent Disability. Attorneys who have a permanent disability that makes attendance at CLE programs inordinately difficult may file a request for a permanent substitute program in lieu of attendance and shall therein set out continuing legal education plans tailored to their specific interests and physical ability. The board shall review and approve or disapprove such plans on an individual basis and without delay.
(k) Application for Substitute Compliance and Exemptions. Other requests for substitute compliance, partial waivers, other exemptions for hardship or extenuating circumstances may be granted by the board on a yearly basis upon written application of the attorney.
(l) Bar Examiners. Credit is earned through service as a bar examiner of the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners. The board will award 12 hours of CLE credit for the preparation and grading of a bar examination by a member of the North Carolina Board of Law Examiners.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: February 12, 1997; October 1, 2003; March 3, 2005; October 7, 2010; October 2, 2014; June 9, 2016; September 22, 2016; September 25, 2019
(a) Annual Requirement. Each active member subject to these rules shall complete 12 hours of approved continuing legal education during each calendar year beginning January 1, 1988, as provided by these rules and the regulations adopted thereunder.
Of the 12 hours:
(1) at least 2 hours shall be devoted to the areas of professional responsibility or professionalism or any combination thereof;
(2) at least 1 hour shall be devoted to technology training as defined in Rule .1501(c)(17) of this subchapter and further explained in Rule .1602(e) of this subchapter; and
(3) effective January 1, 2002, at least once every three calendar years, each member shall complete an hour of continuing legal education instruction on substance abuse and debilitating mental conditions as defined in Rule .1602 (a). This hour shall be credited to the annual 12-hour requirement but shall be in addition to the annual professional responsibility/professionalism requirement. To satisfy the requirement, a member must attend an accredited program on substance abuse and debilitating mental conditions that is at least one hour long.
(b) Carryover. Members may carry over up to 12 credit hours earned in one calendar year to the next calendar year, which may include those hours required by paragraph (a)(1) above. Additionally, a newly admitted active member may include as credit hours which may be carried over to the next succeeding year any approved CLE hours earned after that member's graduation from law school.
(c) Professionalism Requirement for New Members. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(1), each active member admitted to the North Carolina State Bar after January 1, 2011, must complete the North Carolina State Bar Professionalism for New Attorneys Program (PNA Program) in the year the member is first required to meet the continuing legal education requirements as set forth in Rule .1526(b) and (c) of this subchapter. CLE credit for the PNA Program shall be applied to the annual mandatory continuing legal education requirements set forth in paragraph (a) above.
(1) Content and Accreditation. The State Bar PNA Program shall consist of 12 hours of training in subjects designated by the State Bar including, but not limited to, professional responsibility, professionalism, and law office management. The chairs of the Ethics and Grievance Committees, in consultation with the chief counsel to those committees, shall annually establish the content of the program and shall publish the required content on or before January 1 of each year. To be approved as a PNA Program, the program must be provided by a sponsor registered under Rule .1603 of this subchapter and the a sponsor must satisfy the annual content requirements, and submit a detailed description of the program to the board for approval at least 45 days prior to the program. A registered sponsor may not advertise a PNA Program until approved by the board. PNA Programs shall be specially designated by the board and no program that is not so designated shall satisfy the PNA Program requirement for new members.
(2) Timetable and Partial Credit. The PNA Program shall be presented in two six-hour blocks (with appropriate breaks) over two days. The six-hour blocks do not have to be attended on consecutive days or taken from the same provider; however, no partial credit shall be awarded for attending less than an entire six-hour block unless a special circumstances exemption is granted by the board. The board may approve an alternative timetable for a PNA program upon demonstration by the provider that the alternative timetable will provide an enhanced learning experience or for other good cause; however, no partial credit shall be awarded for attending less than the entire 12-hour program unless a special circumstances exemption is granted by the board.
(3) Online and Prerecorded Programs. The PNA Program may be distributed over the Internet by live web streaming (webcasting) but no part of the program may be taken online (via the Internet) on demand. The program may also be taken as a prerecorded program provided the requirements of Rule .1604(d) of this subchapter are satisfied and at least one hour of each six-hour block consists of live programming.
(d) Exemptions from Professionalism Requirement for New Members.
(1) Licensed in Another Jurisdiction. A member who is licensed by a United States jurisdiction other than North Carolina for five or more years prior to admission to practice in North Carolina is exempt from the PNA Program requirement and must notify the board of the exemption in the first annual report sent to the member pursuant to Rule .1522 of this subchapter.
(2) Inactive Status. A newly admitted member who is transferred to inactive status in the year of admission to the State Bar is exempt from the PNA Program requirement but, upon the entry of an order transferring the member back to active status, must complete the PNA Program in the year that the member is subject to the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) above unless the member qualifies for the exemption under paragraph (d)(1) of this rule.
(3) Exemptions Under Rule .1517. A newly admitted active member who qualifies for an exemption under Rule .1517 of this subchapter shall be exempt from the PNA Program requirement during the period of the Rule .1517 exemption. The member shall notify the board of the exemption in the first annual report sent to the member pursuant to Rule .1522 of this subchapter. The member must complete the PNA Program in the year the member no longer qualifies for the Rule .1517 exemption or the next calendar year unless the member qualifies for the exemption under paragraph (d)(1) of this rule.
(e) The board shall determine the process by which credit hours are allocated to lawyers' records to satisfy deficits. The allocation shall be applied uniformly to the records of all affected lawyers and may not be appealed by an affected lawyer.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: February 12, 1997; December 30, 1998; March 3, 1999; November 6, 2001; October 1, 2003; March 11, 2010; August 25, 2011; March 6, 2014; March 5, 2015; June 9, 2016; April 5, 2018; September 20, 2018; September 25, 2019
The board shall approve continuing legal education programs that meet the following standards and provisions.
(a) They shall have significant intellectual or practical content and the primary objective shall be to increase the participant's professional competence and proficiency as a lawyer.
(b) They shall constitute an organized program of learning dealing with matters directly related to the practice of law, professional responsibility, professionalism, or ethical obligations of lawyers.
(c) Credit may be given for continuing legal education programs where live instruction is used or mechanically or electronically recorded or reproduced material is used, including videotape, satellite transmitted, and online programs.
(d) Continuing legal education materials are to be prepared, and programs conducted, by an individual or group qualified by practical or academic experience. Credit shall not be given for any continuing legal education program taught or presented by a disbarred lawyer except a program on professional responsibility (including a program on the effects of substance abuse and chemical dependency, or debilitating mental conditions on a lawyer’s professional responsibilities) taught by a disbarred lawyer whose disbarment date is at least five years (60 months) prior to the date of the program. The advertising for the program shall disclose the lawyer’s disbarment.
(e) Live continuing legal education programs shall be conducted in a setting physically suitable to the educational nature of the program and, when appropriate, equipped with suitable writing surfaces or sufficient space for taking notes.
(f) Thorough, high quality, and carefully prepared written materials should be distributed to all attendees at or before the time the program is presented. These may include written materials printed from a website or computer presentation. A written agenda or outline for a program satisfies this requirement when written materials are not suitable or readily available for a particular subject. The absence of written materials for distribution should, however, be the exception and not the rule.
(g) A sponsor of an approved program must timely remit fees as required in Rule .1606and keep and maintain attendance records of each continuing legal education program sponsored by it, which shall be furnished to the board in accordance with regulations. Participation in an online program must be verified as provided in Rule .1601(d).
(h) Except as provided in Rules .1501 and.1602(h) of this subchapter, in-house continuing legal education and self-study shall not be approved or accredited for the purpose of complying with Rule .1518 of this subchapter.
(i) Programs that cross academic lines, such as accounting-tax seminars, may be considered for approval by the board. However, the board must be satisfied that the content of the program would enhance legal skills or the ability to practice law.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 1, 2001; October 1, 2003; February 5, 2009; March 11, 2010; April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019; December 14, 2021
(a) Registration of Sponsors. An organization desiring to be designated as a registered sponsor of programs may apply to the board for registered sponsor status. The board shall register a sponsor if it is satisfied that the sponsor’s programs have met the accreditation standards set forth in Rule .1519 of this subchapter and the application requirements set forth in Rule .1603 of this subchapter.
(1) Duration of Status. Registered sponsor status shall be granted for a period of five years. At the end of the five-year period, the sponsor must apply to renew its registration pursuant to Rule .1603(b) of this subchapter.
(2) Accredited Sponsors. A sponsor that was previously designated by the board as an “accredited sponsor” shall, on the effective date of paragraph (a)(1) of this rule, be re-designated as a “registered sponsor.” Each such registered sponsor shall subsequently be required to apply for renewal of registration according to a schedule to be adopted by the board. The schedule shall stagger the submission date for such applications over a three-year period after the effective date of this paragraph (a)(2).
(b) Program Approval for Registered Sponsors.
(1) Once an organization is approved as a registered sponsor, the continuing legal education programs sponsored by that organization are presumptively approved for credit; however, application must still be made to the board for approval of each program. At least 50 days prior to the presentation of a program, a registered sponsor shall file an application, on a form prescribed by the board, notifying the board of the dates and locations of presentations of the program and the sponsor’s calculation of the CLE credit hours for the program.
(2) The board shall evaluate a program presented by a registered sponsor and, upon a determination that the program does not satisfy the requirements of Rule .1519, notify the registered sponsor that the program is not approved for credit. Such notice shall be sent by the board to the registered sponsor within 45 days after the receipt of the application. If notice is not sent to the registered sponsor within the 45-day period, the program shall be presumed to be approved. The registered sponsor may request reconsideration of an unfavorable accreditation decision by submitting a letter of appeal to the board within 15 days of receipt of the notice of disapproval. The decision by the board on an appeal is final.
(c) Sponsor Request for Program Approval.
(1) Any organization not designated as a registered sponsor that desires approval of a program shall apply to the board. Applicants denied approval of a program for failure to satisfy the accreditation standards in Rule .1519 of this subchapter may request reconsideration of such a decision by submitting a letter of appeal to the board within 15 days of receipt of the notice of disapproval. The decision by the board on an appeal is final.
(2) The board may at any time decline to accredit CLE programs offered by a sponsor that is not registered for a specified period of time, as determined by the board, for failure to comply with the requirements of Rule .1512, Rule .1519, and Section .1600 of this subchapter.
(d) Member Request for Program Approval. An active member desiring approval of a program that has not otherwise been approved shall apply to the board. Applicants denied approval of a program for failure to satisfy the accreditation standards in Rule .1519 of this subchapter may request reconsideration of such a decision by submitting a letter of appeal to the board within 15 days of the receipt of the notice of disapproval. The decision by the board on an appeal is final.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: February 27, 2003; March 3, 2005; October 7, 2010; March 6, 2014; April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019
The board may designate by regulation the number of credit hours to be earned by participation, including, but not limited to, teaching, in continuing legal education programs approved by the board.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: September 25, 2019
(a) Annual Written Report. Commencing in 1989, each active member of the North Carolina State Bar shall provide an annual written report to the North Carolina State Bar in such form as the board shall prescribe by regulation concerning compliance with the continuing legal education program for the preceding year or declaring an exemption under Rule .1517 of this subchapter. The annual report form shall be corrected, if necessary, signed by the member, and promptly returned to the State Bar via mail or online filing. Upon receipt via mail or online filing of a signed annual report form, appropriate adjustments shall be made to the member's continuing legal education record with the State Bar. No further adjustments shall thereafter be made to the member's continuing legal education record unless, on or before July 31 of the year in which the report form is mailed to members, the member shows good cause for adjusting the member's continuing legal education record for the preceding year.
(b) Compliance Period. The period for complying with the requirements of Rule .1518 of this subchapter is January 1 to December 31. A member may complete the requirements for the year on or by the last day of February of the succeeding year provided, however, that this additional time shall be considered a grace period and no extensions of this grace period shall be granted. All members are encouraged to complete the requirements within the appropriate calendar year.
(c) Report. Prior to January 31 of each year, the prescribed report form concerning compliance with the continuing legal education program for the preceding year shall be available on the State Bar's CLE website and a notice of its posting shall be mailed or emailed to all active members of the North Carolina State Bar.
(d) Late Filing Penalty. Any attorney who, for whatever reasons, files the report showing compliance or declaring an exemption after the due date of the last day of February shall pay a $75.00 late filing penalty. This penalty shall be submitted with the report. A report that is either received by the board or postmarked on or before the due date shall be considered timely filed. An attorney who is issued a notice to show cause pursuant to Rule .1523(b) shall pay a late compliance fee of $125.00 pursuant to Rule .1523(e) of this subchapter. The board may waive the late filing penalty or the late compliance fee upon a showing of hardship or serious extenuating circumstances or other good cause.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: October 1, 2003; March 3, 2005; March 2, 2006; October 9, 2008; September 20, 2018
(a) Failure to Comply with Rules May Result in Suspension
A member who is required to file a report of CLE credits and does not do so or who fails to meet the minimum requirements of these rules, including the payment of duly assessed penalties and attendee fees, may be suspended from the practice of law in the state of North Carolina.
(b) Notice of Failure to Comply
The board shall notify a member who appears to have failed to meet the requirements of these rules that the member will be suspended from the practice of law in this state, unless the member shows good cause in writing why the suspension should not be made or the member shows in writing that he or she has complied with the requirements within the 30-day period after service of the notice. Notice shall be served on the member by mailing a copy thereof by registered or certified mail or designated delivery service (such as Federal Express or UPS), return receipt requested, to the last-known address of the member according to the records of the North Carolina State Bar or such later address as may be known to the person attempting service. Service of the notice may also be accomplished by (i) personal service by a State Bar investigator or by any person authorized by Rule 4 of the North Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure to serve process, or (ii) email sent to the email address of the member contained in the records of the North Carolina State Bar if the member sends an email from that same email address to the State Bar acknowledging such service.
(c) Entry of Order of Suspension Upon Failure to Respond to Notice to Show Cause
If a written response attempting to show good cause is not postmarked or received by the board by the last day of the 30-day period after the member was served with the notice to show cause upon the recommendation of the board and the Administrative Committee, the council may enter an order suspending the member from the practice of law. The order shall be entered and served as set forth in Rule .0903(c) of this subchapter.
(d) Procedure Upon Submission of a Timely Response to a Notice to Show Cause
(1) Consideration by the Board
If the member files a timely written response to the notice, the board shall consider the matter at its next regularly scheduled meeting or may delegate consideration of the matter to a duly appointed committee of the board. If the matter is delegated to a committee of the board and the committee determines that good cause has not been shown, the member may file an appeal to the board. The appeal must be filed within 30 calendar days of the date of the letter notifying the member of the decision of the committee. The board shall review all evidence presented by the member to determine whether good cause has been shown or to determine whether the member has complied with the requirements of these rules within the 30-day period after service of the notice to show cause.
(2) Recommendation of the Board
The board shall determine whether the member has shown good cause why the member should not be suspended. If the board determines that good cause has not been shown or that the member has not shown compliance with these rules within the 30-day period after service of the notice to show cause, then the board shall refer the matter to the Administrative Committee for hearing together with a written recommendation to the Administrative Committee that the member be suspended.
(3) Consideration by and Recommendation of the Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee shall consider the matter at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The burden of proof shall be upon the member to show cause by clear, cogent, and convincing evidence why the member should not be suspended from the practice of law for the apparent failure to comply with the rules governing the continuing legal education program. Except as set forth above, the procedure for such hearing shall be as set forth in Rule .0903(d)(1) and (2) of this subchapter.
(4) Order of Suspension
Upon the recommendation of the Administrative Committee, the council may determine that the member has not complied with these rules and may enter an order suspending the member from the practice of law. The order shall be entered and served as set forth in Rule .0903(d)(3) of this subchapter.
(e) Late Compliance Fee
Any member to whom a notice to show cause is issued pursuant to paragraph (b) above shall pay a late compliance fee as set forth in Rule .1522(d) of this subchapter; provided, however, upon a showing of good cause as determined by the board as described in paragraph (d)(2) above, the fee may be waived.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 7, 1996; March 6, 1997; February 3, 2000; October 1, 2003; October 9, 2008; August 23, 2012
(a) Reinstatement Within 30 Days of Service of Suspension Order
A member who is suspended for noncompliance with the rules governing the continuing legal education program may petition the secretary for an order of reinstatement of the member's license at any time up to 30 days after the service of the suspension order upon the member. The secretary shall enter an order reinstating the member to active status upon receipt of a timely written request and satisfactory showing by the member that the member cured the continuing legal education deficiency for which the member was suspended. Such member shall not be required to file a formal reinstatement petition or pay a $250 reinstatement fee.
(b) Procedure for Reinstatement More that 30 Days After Service of the Order of Suspension
Except as noted below, the procedure for reinstatement more than 30 days after service of the order of suspension shall be as set forth in Rule .0904(c) and (d) of this subchapter, and shall be administered by Administrative Committee.
(c) Reinstatement Petition
At any time more than 30 days after service of an order of suspension on a member, a member who has been suspended for noncompliance with the rules governing the continuing legal education program may seek reinstatement by filing a reinstatement petition with the secretary. The secretary shall transmit a copy of the petition to each member of the board. The reinstatement petition shall contain the information and be in the form required by Rule .0904(c) of this subchapter. If not otherwise set forth in the petition, the member shall attach a statement to the petition in which the member shall state with particularity the accredited legal education programs that the member has attended and the number of credit hours obtained in order to cure any continuing legal education deficiency for which the member was suspended.
(d) Reinstatement Fee
In lieu of the $125.00 reinstatement fee required by Rule .0904(c)(4)(A), the petition shall be accompanied by a reinstatement fee payable to the board, in the amount of $250.00.
(e) Determination of Board; Transmission to Administrative Committee
Within 30 days of the filing of the petition for reinstatement with the secretary, the board shall determine whether the deficiency has been cured. The board's written determination and the reinstatement petition shall be transmitted to the secretary within five days of the determination by the board. The secretary shall transmit a copy of the petition and the board's recommendation to each member of the Administrative Committee.
(f) Consideration by Administrative Committee
The Administrative Committee shall consider the reinstatement petition, together with the board's determination, pursuant to the requirements of Rule .0902(c)-(f) of this subchapter.
(g) Hearing Upon Denial of Petition for Reinstatement
The procedure for hearing upon the denial by the Administrative Committee of a petition for reinstatement shall be as provided in Section .1000 of this subchapter.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 7, 1996; March 6, 1997; February 3, 2000; March 3, 2005; September 25, 2019
(a) The effective date of these rules shall be January 1, 1988.
(b) Active members licensed prior to July 1 of any calendar year shall meet the continuing legal education requirements of these rules for such year.
(c) Active members licensed after June 30 of any calendar year must meet the continuing legal education requirements of these rules for the next calendar year.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
The following regulations (Section .1600 of the Rules of the North Carolina State Bar) for the continuing legal education program are hereby adopted and shall remain in effect until revised or amended by the board with the approval of the council. The board may adopt other regulations to implement the continuing legal education program with the approval of the council.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
(a) Approval. CLE programs may be approved upon the written application of a sponsor, including a registered sponsor, or of an active member on an individual program basis. An application for such CLE program approval shall meet the following requirements:
(1) If advance approval is requested by a sponsor, the application and supporting documentation, including one substantially complete set of the written materials to be distributed at the program, shall be submitted at least 50 days prior to the date on which the program is scheduled. If advance approval is requested by an active member, the application need not include a complete set of written materials.
(2) In all other cases, the application and supporting documentation shall be submitted by the sponsor not later than 50 days after the date the program was presented or prior to the end of the calendar year in which the program was presented, whichever is earlier. Active members requesting credit must submit the application and supporting documentation within 50 days after the date the program was presented or, if the 50 days have elapsed, as soon as practicable after receiving notice from the board that the program accreditation request was not submitted by the sponsor.
(3) The application shall be submitted on a form furnished by the board.
(4) The application shall contain all information requested on the form.
(5) The application shall be accompanied by a program outline or brochure that describes the content, identifies the teachers, lists the time devoted to each topic, and shows each date and location at which the program will be offered.
(6) The application shall include a detailed calculation of the total CLE hours and hours of professional responsibility.
(b) Program Quality and Materials. The application and materials provided shall reflect that the program to be offered meets the requirements of Rule .1519 of this subchapter. Sponsors, including registered sponsors, and active members seeking credit for an approved program shall furnish, upon request of the board, a copy of all materials presented and distributed at a CLE program. Written materials consisting merely of an outline without citation or explanatory notations generally will not be sufficient for approval. Any sponsor, including a registered sponsor, that expects to conduct a CLE program for which suitable written materials will not be made available to all attendees may obtain approval for that program only by application to the board at least 50 days in advance of the program showing why written materials are not suitable or readily available for such a program.
(c) Facilities. Sponsors must provide a facility conductive to learning with sufficient space for taking notes.
(d) Online CLE. The sponsor of an online program must have a reliable method for recording and verifying attendance. A participant may periodically log on and off of an online program provided the total time spent participating in the program is equal to or exceeds the credit hours assigned to the program. A copy of the record of attendance must be forwarded to the board within 30 days after a member completes his or her participation in the program.
(e) Records. Sponsors, including registered sponsors, shall within 30 days after the program is concluded
(1) furnish to the board a list of the names of all North Carolina attendees together with their North Carolina State Bar membership numbers; the list shall be in alphabetical order and in a format prescribed by the board;
(2) remit to the board the appropriate sponsor fee; and, if payment is not received by the board within 30 days after the program is concluded, interest at the legal rate shall be incurred; provided, however, the board may waive such interest upon a showing of good cause by a sponsor; and
(3) furnish to the board a complete set of all written materials distributed to attendees at the program.
(f) Announcement. Sponsors that have advanced approval for programs may include in their brochures or other program descriptions the information contained in the following illustration:
This program has been approved by the Board of Continuing Legal Education of the North Carolina State Bar for continuing legal education credit in the amount of ____ hours, of which ____ hours will also apply in the area of professional responsibility.
(g) Notice. Sponsors not having advanced approval shall make no representation concerning the approval of the program for CLE credit by the board. The board will mail a notice of its decision on CLE program approval requests within 45 days of their receipt when the request for approval is submitted before the program and within 45 days when the request is submitted after the program. Approval thereof will be deemed if the notice is not timely mailed. This automatic approval will not operate if the sponsor contributes to the delay by failing to provide the complete information requested by the board or if the board timely notifies the sponsor that the matter has been tabled and the reason therefor.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: October 1, 2003; March 3, 2005; March 6, 2008; October 7, 2010; April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019
(a) Professional Responsibility Programs on Stress, Substance Abuse, Chemical Dependency, and Debilitating Mental Conditions - Accredited professional responsibility programs on stress, substance abuse, chemical dependency, and debilitating mental conditions shall concentrate on the relationship between stress, substance abuse, chemical dependency, debilitating mental conditions, and a lawyer's professional responsibilities. Such programs may also include (1) education on the prevention, detection, treatment and etiology of stress, substance abuse, chemical dependency, and debilitating mental conditions, and (2) information about assistance for chemically dependent or mentally impaired lawyers available through lawyers' professional organizations. No more than three hours of continuing education credit will be granted to any one such program or segment of a program.
(b) Law School Courses - Courses offered by an ABA accredited law school with respect to which academic credit may be earned may be approved programs. Computation of CLE credit for such courses shall be as prescribed in Rule .1605(a) of this subchapter. No more than 12 CLE hours in any year may be earned by such courses. No credit is available for law school courses attended prior to becoming an active member of the North Carolina State Bar.
(c) Law Practice Management Programs - A CLE accredited program on law practice management must satisfy the accreditation standards set forth in Rule .1519 of this subchapter with the primary objective of increasing the participant’s professional competence and proficiency as a lawyer. The subject matter presented in an accredited program on law practice management shall bear a direct relationship to either substantive legal issues in managing a law practice or a lawyer’s professional responsibilities, including avoidance of conflicts of interest, protecting confidential client information, supervising subordinate lawyers and nonlawyers, fee arrangements, managing a trust account, ethical legal advertising, and malpractice avoidance. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that may earn CLE credit: employment law relating to lawyers and law practice; business law relating to the formation and operation of a law firm; calendars, dockets and tickler systems; conflict screening and avoidance systems; law office disaster planning; handling of client files; communicating with clients; and trust accounting. If appropriate, a law practice management program may qualify for professional responsibility (ethics) CLE credit. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that will NOT receive CLE credit: marketing; networking/rainmaking; client cultivation; increasing productivity; developing a business plan; improving the profitability of a law practice; selling a law practice; and purchasing office equipment (including computer and accounting systems).
(d) Skills and Training Programs- A program that teaches a skill specific to the practice of law may be accredited for CLE if it satisfies the accreditation standards set forth in Rule .1519 of this subchapter with the primary objective of increasing the participant’s professional competence and proficiency as a lawyer. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that may earn CLE credit: legal writing; oral argument; courtroom presentation; and legal research. A program that provides general instruction in non-legal skills shall NOT be accredited. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that will NOT receive CLE credit: learning to use software for an application that is not specific to the practice of law (e.g. word processing); learning to use office equipment (except as permitted by paragraph (e) of this rule); public speaking; speed reading; efficiency training; personal money management or investing; career building; marketing; and general office management techniques.
(e) Technology Training Programs – A technology training program must have the primary objective of enhancing a lawyer’s proficiency as a lawyer or improving law office management and must satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this rule as applicable. Such programs include, but are not limited to, education on the following: a) an IT tool, process, or methodology designed to perform tasks that are specific or uniquely suited to the practice of law; b) using a generic IT tool, process, or methodology to increase the efficiency of performing tasks necessary to the practice of law; c) the investigation, collection, and introduction of social media evidence; d) e-discovery; e) electronic filing of legal documents; f) digital forensics for legal investigation or litigation; g) practice management software; and h) a cybersecurity tool, process, or methodology specifically applied to the needs of the practice of law or law practice management. A program that provides general instruction on an IT tool, process, or methodology but does not include instruction on the practical application of the IT tool, process, or methodology to the practice of law shall not be accredited. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that will NOT receive CLE credit: generic education on how to use a tablet computer, laptop computer, or smart phone; training programs on Microsoft Office, Excel, Access, Word, Adobe, etc.; and instruction in the use of a particular desktop or mobile operating system. No credit will be given to a program that is sponsored by a manufacturer, distributor, broker, or merchandiser of an IT tool, process, or methodology unless the program is solely about using the IT tool, process, or methodology to perform tasks necessary or uniquely suited to the practice of law and information about purchase arrangements is not included in the accredited segment of the program. A sponsor may not accept compensation from a manufacturer, distributor, broker, or merchandiser of an IT tool, process, or methodology in return for presenting a CLE program about the IT tool, process, or methodology.
(f) Activities That Shall Not Be Accredited - CLE credit will not be given for general and personal educational activities. The following are illustrative, non-exclusive examples of subject matter that will NOT receive CLE credit:
(1) courses within the normal college curriculum such as English, history, social studies, and psychology;
(2) courses that deal with the individual lawyer's human development, such as stress reduction, quality of life, or substance abuse unless a course on substance abuse or mental health satisfies the requirements of Rule .1602(c);
(3) courses designed primarily to sell services or products or to generate greater revenue, such as marketing or advertising (as distinguished from programs dealing with development of law office procedures and management designed to raise the level of service provided to clients).
(g) Service to the Profession Training - A program or segment of a program presented by a bar organization may be granted up to three hours of credit if the bar organization's program trains volunteer attorneys in service to the profession, and if such program or segment meets the requirements of Rule .1519(b)-(g) and Rule .1601(b), (c), and (g) of this subchapter; if appropriate, up to three hours of professional responsibility credit may be granted for such program or program segment.
(h) In-House CLE and Self-Study. No approval will be provided for in-house CLE or self-study by attorneys, except as follows:
(1) programs exempted by the board under Rule .1501(c)(10) of this subchapter; and
(2) live programs on professional responsibility, professionalism, or professional negligence/malpractice presented by a person or organization that is not affiliated with the lawyers attending the program or their law firms and that has demonstrated qualification to present such programs through experience and knowledge.
(i) Bar Review/Refresher Course. Programs designed to review or refresh recent law school graduates or attorneys in preparation for any bar exam shall not be approved for CLE credit.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 6, 1997; March 5, 1998; March 3, 1999; March 1, 2001; June 7, 2001; March 3, 2005; March 2, 2006; March 8, 2007; October 9, 2008; March 6, 2014; June 9, 2016; September 20, 2018; September 25, 2019
(a) Application for Registered Sponsor Status. To be designated as a registered sponsor of programs under Rule .1520(a) of this subchapter, a sponsor must satisfy the following requirements:
(1) File a completed application for registered sponsor status on a form furnished by the board.
(2) During the three years prior to application, present at least five original programs that were approved for CLE credit by the board.
(3) During the three years prior to application, substantially comply with the requirements in Rule .1601(a) and (e) of this subchapter on application for program approval, remitting sponsor fees, and reporting attendance for every program approved for credit.
(b) Renewal of Registration. To retain registered sponsor status, a sponsor must apply for renewal every five years, as required by Rule .1520(a)(1), and must satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (a) of this rule. To facilitate staggered renewal applications, at the time that this rule becomes effective, any sponsor previously designated as an “accredited sponsor” shall be designated a registered sponsor and shall be assigned an initial renewal year which shall be not more than three years later.
(c) Revocation of Registered Sponsor Status. The board may at any time revoke the registration of a registered sponsor for failure to satisfy the requirements of Section .1500 and Section .1600 of this subchapter.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711. Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019
(a) Computation Formula - CLE and professional responsibility hours shall be computed by the following formula:
Sum of the total minutes of actual instruction / 60 = Total Hours
For example, actual instruction totaling 195 minutes would equal 3.25 hours toward CLE.
(b) Actual Instruction - Only actual education shall be included in computing the total hours of actual instruction. The following shall not be included:
(1) introductory remarks;
(2) breaks;
(3) business meetings;
(4) speeches in connection with banquets or other events which are primarily social in nature;
(5) question and answer sessions at a ratio in excess of 15 minutes per CLE hour and programs less than 30 minutes in length provided, however, that the limitation on question and answer sessions shall not limit the length of time that may be devoted to participatory CLE.
(c) Teaching - As a contribution to professionalism, credit may be earned for teaching in an approved continuing legal education program or a continuing paralegal education program held in North Carolina and approved pursuant to Section .0200 of Subchapter G of these rules. Programs accompanied by thorough, high quality, readable, and carefully prepared written materials will qualify for CLE credit on the basis of three hours of credit for each thirty minutes of presentation. Repeat programs qualify for one-half of the credits available for the initial program. For example, an initial presentation of 45 minutes would qualify for 4.5 hours of credit.
(d) Teaching Law Courses
(1) Law School Courses. If a member is not a full-time teacher at a law school in North Carolina who is eligible for the exemption in Rule .1517(b) of this subchapter, the member may earn CLE credit for teaching a course ora class in a quarter or semester-long course at an ABA accredited law school. A member may also earn CLE credit by teaching a course or a class at a law school licensed by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, provided the law school is actively seeking accreditation from the ABA. If ABA accreditation is not obtained by a law school so licensed within three years of the commencement of classes, CLE credit will no longer be granted for teaching courses at the school.
(2) Graduate School Courses. Effective January 1, 2012, a member may earn CLE credit by teaching a course on substantive law or a class on substantive law in a quarter or semester-long course at a graduate school of an accredited university.
(3) Courses at Paralegal Schools or Programs. Effective January 1, 2006, a member may earn CLE credit by teaching a paralegal or substantive law course or a class in a quarter or semester-long courseat an ABA approved paralegal school or program.
(4) Credit Hours. Credit for teaching described in Rule .1605(d)(1) – (3) above may be earned without regard to whether the course is taught online or in a classroom.Credit will be calculated according to the following formula:
(A) Teaching a Course. 3.5 Hours of CLE credit for every quarter hour of credit assigned to the course by the educational institution, or 5.0 Hours of CLE credit for every semester hour of credit assigned to the course by the educational institution. (For example: a 3-semester hour course will qualify for 15 hours of CLE credit).
(B) Teaching a Class. 1.0 Hour of CLE credit for every 50 – 60 minutes of teaching.
(5) Other Requirements. The member shall also complete the requirements set forth in Rule .1518(b) of this subchapter.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: March 3, 1999; October 1, 2003; November 16, 2006; August 23, 2012; September 25, 2019
.1606 FEES
(a) Sponsor Fee - The sponsor fee, a charge paid directly by the sponsor, shall be paid by all sponsors of approved programs presented in North Carolina and by registered sponsors located in North Carolina for approved programs wherever presented, except that no sponsor fee is required where approved programs are offered without charge to attendees. In any other instance, payment of the fee by the sponsor is optional. The amount of the fee, per approved CLE hour per active member of the North Carolina State Bar in attendance, is $3.50. This amount shall be allocated as follows: $1.25 to the Board of Continuing Legal Education to administer the CLE program; $1.00 to the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism; $1.00 to the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission; and $.25 to the State Bar to administer the funds distributed to the commissions. The fee is computed as shown in the following formula and example which assumes a 6-hour program attended by 100 North Carolina lawyers seeking CLE credit:
Fee: $3.50 x Total Approved CLE Hours (6) x Number of NC Attendees (100) = Total Sponsor Fee($2100)
(b) Attendee Fee - The attendee fee is paid by the North Carolina attorney who requests credit for a program for which no sponsor fee was paid. An attorney will be invoiced for any attendees fees owed following the submission of the attorney's annual report form pursuant to Rule .1522(a) of this subchapter. Payment shall be remitted within 30 (thirty) days of the date of the invoice. The amount of the fee, per approved CLE hour for which the attorney claims credit, $3.50. This amount shall be allocated as follows: $1.25 to the Board of Continuing Legal Education to administer the CLE program; $1.00 to the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism; $1.00 to the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission; and $0.25 to the State Bar to administer the funds distributed to the commissions. It is computed as shown in the following formula and example which assumes that the attorney attended a program approved for 3 hours of CLE credit:
Fee: $3.50 x Total Approved CLE hours (3.0) = Total Attendee Fee ($10.50)
(c) Fee Review - The board will review the level of the fee at least annually and adjust it as necessary to maintain adequate finances for prudent operation of the board in a nonprofit manner. The council shall annually review the assessments for the Chief Justice's Commission on Professionalism and the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Commission and adjust them as necessary to maintain adequate finances for the operation of the commissions.
(d) Uniform Application and Financial Responsibility - The fee shall be applied uniformly without exceptions or other preferential treatment for a sponsor or attendee. The board shall make reasonable efforts to collect the sponsor fee from the sponsor of a CLE program when appropriate under Rule .1606(a) above. However, whenever a sponsor fee is not paid by the sponsor of a program, regardless of the reason, the lawyer requesting CLE credit for the program shall be financially responsible for the fee.
(e) Failure to Timely Pay Sponsor Fee - A sponsor’s failure to pay sponsor fees within ninety (90) days following the completion of a program will result in the denial of that sponsor’s subsequent program applications until fees are paid.
History Note: Authority - Order of the North Carolina Supreme Court, October 7, 1987, 318 N.C. 711.
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: December 30, 1998; October 1, 2003; February 5, 2009; October 8, 2009; November 5, 2015; April 5, 2018; September 25, 2019; December 14, 2021