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This page provides links to information that is particularly useful to North Carolina State Bar Councilors.

Council Meetings - SharePoint

The Council Meetings Sharepoint is for use by the State Bar Council for quarterly meetings. Sharepoint access is limited to council and committee members.

Overview of the Disciplinary Process

Overview of the Ethics Process

Overview of the Unauthorized Practice of Law Process

Directories: Membership; Leadership; Staff; Committees; Agencies, Boards & Commissions

Directory of Councilors with most current contact information

Request for Reimbursement Form

Upcoming Quarterly Meetings of the State Bar Council

Speakers Bureau Volunteer Sign Up

Councilors are encouraged to volunteer for the State Bar Speakers Bureau which provides speakers, free of charge, on topics relevant to the State Bar’s regulatory functions. Sample topics include the State Bar’s role in the regulation of the legal profession; the State Bar’s disciplinary process; how the State Bar provides ethical guidance to lawyers; the Lawyer Assistance Program of the State Bar; the Client Security Fund; IOLTA; LegalZoom and the regulation of alternative service providers; updating concepts of the practice of law; and anti-trust questions for the regulation of the practice of law in North Carolina. If you have a topic related to the State Bar that you are passionate about, let us know! Presentations are in North Carolina and may be to lawyers or to members of the public. Scheduling is based upon the speaker’s availability. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete the sign-up form and email it to Lanice Heidbrink at the State Bar: Questions about the Speakers Bureau may be directed to Lanice or to Alice Mine at the State Bar. 

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