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The North Carolina State Bar has 44 geographic subdivisions called “judicial district bars” (often also referred to as “district bars”). By statute, judicial district bars are coterminous with prosecutorial districts. See N.C. Gen. Stat. 84-19. Effective January 1, 2019, North Carolina’s prosecutorial districts were re-numbered by the General Assembly to eliminate letters from prosecutorial district designations (e.g., Prosecutorial Districts 11A and 15B). See N.C. Gen. Stat. 7A-60. However, the same changes were not made to the designations for district court and superior court districts. Consequently, the number designations for district court and superior court districts, with a few exceptions, do not match the number designations for prosecutorial districts and, a priori, the number designations for judicial district barsClick here for a county/district comparison chart.

A member of the North Carolina State Bar staff is appointed as the Judicial District Bar Liaison. This employee plays an active role in ensuring that the governmental responsibilities delegated to the judicial district bars by the State Bar and by statute are performed competently and in accordance with the law and State Bar rules. Judicial district bar officers are encouraged to contact the liaison with questions or concerns about the activities of their judicial district bars.

The North Carolina State Bar is actively working to increase diversity in judicial district bar participation and leadership.

Programs and Services
Resources for Bar Leaders
District Bar Information

For information, contact:
Nichole McLaughlin, Judicial District Bar Liaison
The North Carolina State Bar 
217 E. Edenton St.
PO Box 25908
Raleigh, NC 27611
919.828.4620 ext. 282
919.526.1219 Fax

Programs & Services

Bar Leadership Institute Manual - The North Carolina Bar Association, in cooperation with the North Carolina Conference of Bar Presidents, conducts the Bar Leadership Institute at the Bar Center which focuses on effective leadership skills for presidents and presidents-elect of local, speciality and judicial district bars across North Carolina. 

In-Person Meetings or Presentations - The North Carolina State Bar recognizes the value of on-site visits and encourages you to schedule a visit with us. On-site visits provide free, personalized service to bar leaders and staff for all of North Carolina’s Judicial District Bars.

John B. McMillan Distinguished Service Award - The John B. McMillan Distinguished Service Award program honors current and retired members of the North Carolina State Bar throughout the state who have demonstrated exemplary service to the legal profession. Members of the Bar are encouraged to nominate colleagues who have demonstrated outstanding service to the profession. The nomination form is available here.

Resources for Bar Leaders

North Carolina State Bar’s Handbook for Officers of Judicial District Bars

Essential Duties of Judicial District Bar Officers

Statutes Governing Judicial District Bar Activities

Retention Schedule for Judicial District Bar records

Rules and Regulations Governing Judicial District Bars

To view the regulations governing judicial district bars, please visit the Rules and Regulations page and refer to the following:

1A, .0800, Election and Appointment of State Bar Councilors
1A, .0900, Organization of the Judicial District Bars – District bars must adopt bylaws and submit bylaws to the State Bar Council for approval
1A, .1000, Model Bylaws
1B, .0200, Rules Governing Judicial District Grievance Committees 
1D, .0700, Fee Dispute Resolution

Model Bylaws

Although each judicial district bar must adopt bylaws, there is no requirement that they be the same as the model bylaws. However, the model bylaws are the product of a great deal of careful study and would probably suit the needs of most, if not all, of the judicial district bars. A full copy of the model bylaws is provided below, along with separate copies of sections that the State Bar strongly recommends judicial district bars consider adopting.


ABA — Division of Bar Services

North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA) - Local Bar Services

National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP)

Tools For Bar Leaders

NC-CLE Course Search


American Bar Association (ABA) — Division of Bar Services

To view a schedule of the upcoming quarterly meeting, visit the State Bar's homepage.

Judicial District Bar Information

Judicial District Map (Judicial District Bars are coterminous with the prosecutorial districts of North Carolina, as defined by NC General Statute 7A-60.)

Judicial District Bar Officer’s Directory (To update information, contact Nichole McLaughlin)

Judicial District Bar Councilor’s Directory

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