.1008 District Bar Finances
(a) Fiscal Year: The district bar's fiscal year shall begin on____________ and shall end on ____________.
(b) Duties of treasurer: The treasurer shall maintain the funds of the district bar on deposit, initiate any necessary disbursements and keep appropriate financial records.
(c ) Annual financial report: Each ________________ before the annual meeting, the treasurer shall prepare the district bar's annual financial report for review by the board of directors, if any, and submission to the district bar's annual meeting and the North Carolina State Bar.
(d) District bar checks: All checks written on district bar accounts (arising from the collection of mandatory dues) that exceed $500 must be signed by two of the following: (1) the treasurer, (2) any other officer, (3) another member of the board of directors, or (4) the executive secretary/director, if any.
(e) Fidelity bond: If it is anticipated that receipts from membership fees will exceed $20,000 for any fiscal year, the district bar shall purchase a fidelity bond at least equal in amount to the anticipated annual receipts to indemnify the district bar for losses attributable to the malfeasance of the treasurer or any other member having access to district bar funds.
(f) Taxpayer identification number: The treasurer shall be responsible for obtaining a federal taxpayer identification number for the district bar.
History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 84-18.1; 84-23
Adopted by the Supreme Court March 7, 1996
Amendments Approved by the Supreme Court: July 22, 1999