Disciplinary Actions/Notices
Information about public discipline received by North Carolina lawyers from the North Carolina State Bar since 1999 can be accessed at this site. On the main page, there is a summary of all public professional discipline received by North Carolina lawyers during the preceding quarter. This summary is updated quarterly following meetings of the Council of the North Carolina State Bar in January, April, July and October. For an explanation of the different forms of discipline listed, see the “ Definitions” section.
At the top of the Disciplinary Actions page, under “Search Disciplinary Actions,” you can enter the name of a lawyer. If the lawyer received public discipline in 1999 or thereafter, the summary article in which the discipline imposed on the lawyer was originally listed will be displayed. The entry for the lawyer will appear in highlighted print.
NOTE: Information regarding public discipline imposed by the Grievance Committee entered prior to 1999, and the complete public record in all Disciplinary Hearing Commission cases may be obtained by calling the State Bar at 919.828.4620.
Disciplinary Orders
Information about orders of the Disciplinary Hearing Commission, the independent trial arm of the North Carolina State Bar, may be accessed at this site. Only orders imposing discipline from the year 2000 to the present are available. The site also includes all final orders of the commission, including cases in which no discipline was entered, and all public orders of discipline imposed by the State Bar Grievance Committee since September 1, 2004. Information regarding public discipline imposed by the Grievance Committee entered prior to September 1, 2004, and the complete public record in all Disciplinary Hearing Commission cases may be obtained by calling the State Bar at 919.828.4620.
Although every effort has been made to insure the completeness and accuracy of the information listed on the State Bar website, members of the public are invited to call the State Bar if they have questions about the membership status or disciplinary record of any North Carolina lawyer.