.0212 Letter to Complainant Where District Committee Recommends Finding of Probable Cause
John Smith
Anywhere, N.C.
Re: Your complaint against Jane Doe Our File No. [ ]
Dear Mr. Smith:
The [ ] district grievance committee has completed its investigation of your grievance and has forwarded its file to the North Carolina State Bar Grievance Committee in Raleigh for final resolution. The final decision in this matter will be made by the North Carolina State Bar Grievance Committee and you will be notified in writing of the State Bar's decision.
If you have any questions or wish to communicate further regarding your grievance, you may contact the North Carolina State Bar at the following address: The North Carolina State Bar Grievance Committee P.O. Box 25908 Raleigh, N.C. 27611.
Neither I nor any member of the [ ] district grievance committee can give you any advice regarding any legal rights you may have regarding the matters set out in your grievance. You may pursue any questions you have regarding your legal rights with an attorney of your choice.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
[ ] Chairperson
[ ] District Grievance Committee
[ ] Respondent Attorney
Director of Investigations, The N.C. State Bar
History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 84-23
Readopted Effective December 8, 1994