.0117 Privileges Conferred and Limitations Imposed
The board in the implementation of this plan shall not alter the following privileges and responsibilities of lawyers and their non-lawyer assistants.
(1)No rule shall be adopted which shall in any way limit the right of a lawyer to delegate tasks to a non-lawyer assistant or to employ any person to assist him or her in the practice of law.
(2)No person shall be required to be certified as a paralegal to be employed by a lawyer to assist the lawyer in the practice of law.
(3)All requirements for and all benefits to be derived from certification as a paralegal are individual and may not be fulfilled by nor attributed to the law firm or other organization or entity employing the paralegal.
(4)Any person certified as a paralegal under this plan shall be entitled to represent that he or she is a "North Carolina Certified Paralegal (NCCP)”, a "North Carolina State Bar Certified Paralegal (NCSB/CP)” or a “Paralegal Certified by the North Carolina State Bar Board of Paralegal Certification.”
History Note: Statutory Authority G.S. 84-23
Adopted by the Supreme Court October 6, 2004