The North Carolina State Bar has received inquiries from members of the public about letters sent to them by “Mason C. Donovan.” The letters indicate that Mason C. Donovan is a North Carolina lawyer practicing with the Charlotte firm “Donovan and Paquette.” The letters indicate that the addressees may be entitled to large cash awards from life insurance policies of distant relatives and invites them to “partner” with Donovan and Paquette to submit insurance claims.
There is no lawyer named Mason C. Donovan licensed to practice law in North Carolina. The North Carolina State Bar does not have a record of a law firm in North Carolina by the name Donovan & Paquette. A website for “Donovan & Paquette” identifies four lawyers. That website is very similar to the website of a South African law firm, but the lawyers identified on the two websites are different. The State Bar could not identify the photograph of one of the four lawyers identified on the website for Donovan and Paquette in a Google search. The photographs of the other three lawyers identified on the website for Donovan and Paquette belong to members of Los Angeles and Toronto law firms; however on the website for Donovan and Paquette, the lawyers whose images appear have different names.
The North Carolina State Bar is not empowered to determine whether these letters are legitimate or fraudulent. However, it urges anyone who receives such a letter to make a thorough investigation before proceeding.
Filed Under: News Alerts