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Your search for: “unauthorized practice of law” returned 55 results
[1] A lawyer, as a member of the legal profession, is a representative of clients, an officer of the legal system, and a public citizen having spec...
[1] The Rules of Professional Conduct are rules of reason. They should be interpreted with reference to the purposes of legal representation and of...
(a) "Belief" or "believes" denotes that the person involved actually supposed the fact in question to be true. A person's belief may be inferred fr...
A lawyer shall not handle a legal matter that the lawyer knows or should know he or she is not competent to handle without associating with a lawye...
(a) Subject to paragraphs (c) and (d), a lawyer shall abide by a client's decisions concerning the objectives of representation and, as required by...
(a) A lawyer shall: (1) promptly inform the client of any decision or circumstance with respect to which the client's informed consent, as defined ...
(a) A lawyer shall not make an agreement for, charge, or collect an illegal or clearly excessive fee or charge or collect a clearly excessive amoun...
(a) A lawyer shall not reveal information acquired during the professional relationship with a client unless the client gives informed consent, th...
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a lawyer shall not represent a client if the representation involves a concurrent conflict of interest. A ...
(a) A lawyer shall not enter into a business transaction with a client or knowingly acquire an ownership, possessory, security or other pecuniary i...
(a) A lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related...
(a) While lawyers are associated in a firm, none of them shall knowingly represent a client when any one of them practicing alone would be prohibit...
(a) Except as law may otherwise expressly permit, a lawyer who has formerly served as a public officer or employee of the government: (1) is subje...
(a) Except as stated in paragraph (d), a lawyer shall not represent anyone in connection with a matter in which the lawyer participated personally ...
(a) A lawyer employed or retained by an organization represents the organization acting through its duly authorized constituents. (b) If a lawyer ...
(a) When a client's capacity to make adequately considered decisions in connection with a representation is diminished, whether because of minority...
For purposes of this Rule 1.15, the following definitions apply: (a) “Administrative ledger” denotes a written or computerized register, maintaine...
(a) Entrusted Property. All entrusted property shall be identified, held, and maintained separate from the property of the lawyer, and shall be dep...
(a) Check Format. All general trust accounts, dedicated trust accounts, and fiduciary accounts must use business-size checks that contain an Auxili...
(a) Trust Account Oversight Officer (TAOO). Lawyers in a law firm of two or more lawyers may designate a partner in the firm to serve as the trust ...
Comment [1] The purpose of a lawyer's trust account or fiduciary account is to segregate the funds belonging to others from those belonging to th...
(a) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a lawyer shall not represent a client or, where representation has commenced, shall withdraw from the repres...
A lawyer or a law firm may sell or purchase a law practice, or an area of law practice, including good will, if the following conditions are satisf...
(a) A person who consults with a lawyer about the possibility of forming a client-lawyer relationship with respect to a matter is a prospective cli...
(a) A lawyer shall not engage in sexual activity with a client. For purposes of this Rule, “sexual activity” means: (1) sexual intercourse; or (2)...
In representing a client, a lawyer shall exercise independent, professional judgment and render candid advice. In rendering advice, a lawyer may re...
(a) A lawyer may undertake an evaluation of a matter affecting a client for the use of someone other than the client if: (1) the lawyer reasonably...
(a) A lawyer serves as a third-party neutral when the lawyer assists two or more persons who are not clients of the lawyer to reach a resolution of...
A lawyer shall not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing so tha...
(a) A lawyer shall not knowingly: (1) make a false statement of material fact or law to a tribunal or fail to correct a false statement of materia...
A lawyer shall not: (a) unlawfully obstruct another party's access to evidence or unlawfully alter, destroy or conceal a document or other material...
(a) A lawyer representing a party in a matter pending before a tribunal shall not: (1) seek to influence a judge, juror, member of the jury venire,...
(a) A lawyer who is participating or has participated in the investigation or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that...
The prosecutor in a criminal case shall: (a) refrain from prosecuting a charge that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause; (b) ...
In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person. Comment Misre...
(a) During the representation of a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of the representation with a person the lawyer knows to...
In dealing on behalf of a client with a person who is not represented by counsel, a lawyer shall not: (a) give legal advice to the person, other t...
(a) In representing a client, a lawyer shall not use means that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass, delay, or burden a third perso...
(a) A principal in a law firm, and a lawyer who individually or together with other lawyers possesses comparable managerial authority, shall make r...
With respect to a nonlawyer employed or retained by or associated with a lawyer: (a) a principal, and a lawyer who individually or together with o...
(a) A lawyer or law firm shall not share legal fees with a nonlawyer, except that: (1) an agreement by a lawyer with the lawyer's firm, principal,...
(a) A lawyer shall not practice law in a jurisdiction where doing so violates the regulation of the legal profession in that jurisdiction. (b) A l...
A lawyer shall not participate in offering or making: (a) a partnership, shareholders, operating, employment, or other similar type of agreement th...
(a) A lawyer shall be subject to the Rules of Professional Conduct with respect to the provision of law-related services, as defined in paragraph (...
Every lawyer has a professional responsibility to provide legal services to those unable to pay. A lawyer should aspire to render at least (50) hou...
A lawyer may serve as a director, officer or member of a legal services organization, apart from the law firm in which the lawyer practices, notwit...
A lawyer may serve as a director, officer or member of an organization involved in reform of the law or its administration notwithstanding that the...
(a) A lawyer who, under the auspices of a program sponsored by a nonprofit organization or court, provides short-term limited legal services to a c...
A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the lawyer’s services. A communication is false or misleading if it...
(a) A lawyer may communicate information regarding the lawyer’s services through any media. (b) A lawyer shall not compensate, give, or promise any...
(a) “Solicitation” or “solicit” denotes a communication initiated by the lawyer that is directed to a specific person and that offers to provide, o...
(a) An intermediary organization is a lawyer referral service, lawyer advertising cooperative, lawyer matching service, online marketing platform, ...
It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce ano...
(a) Disciplinary Authority. A lawyer admitted to practice in North Carolina is subject to the disciplinary authority of North Carolina, regardless ...
(a) Subject to paragraph (b), when a lawyer knows of credible evidence or information, including evidence or information otherwise protected by Rul...