Disclosure of Client's Death
Opinion rules that a lawyer is required to disclose to an adverse party with whom the lawyer is negotiating a settlement that the lawyer's client has died.
Inquiry #1:
Attorney is retained by Client to handle a slip-and-fall personal injury case of questionable liability. During the course of representation, but after Client has been treated by his doctor for injuries caused by the fall, Client dies of AIDS. Attorney continues handling the matter without informing the tortfeasor's insurance company of Client's death. Attorney's decision not to disclose the death to the insurance company is based on Attorney's belief that to do so would undermine Client's case. In addition, at least one of Client's heirs requested that Attorney not disclose the death of Client to the insurance company adjuster.
No lawsuit is ever filed, and no defense counsel is involved. Attorney negotiates a settlement with the insurance company and receives two settlement checks, both made out jointly to Attorney and the deceased Client. One check is issued under the insurance carrier's medical payments coverage, and the other under its liability coverage. At no point during the course of Attorney's representation did the insurance adjuster question whether Client was still alive or inquire about Client's current condition. Attorney never made any representations to the adjuster as to Client's current condition.
May Attorney arrange for the appointment of an administrator and have the settlement checks endorsed and deposited into Attorney's trust account, pending a decision on Inquiry #2?
Opinion #1:
Inquiry #2:
Is Attorney required to disclose Client's death to the tortfeasor's insurance company?
Opinion #2:
Yes. Rule 7.2(a)(4) prohibits a lawyer from making a false statement of law or fact in the representation of a client. In the personal injury practice area, all lawyer communications with insurance company officials are directed toward the contractual resolution of a client's claim, with the client being a party to a contract, a Release. If the client dies, the lawyer no longer has a client. Only when the lawyer is subsequently retained by the deceased client's personal representative does the lawyer have a client. The identity of the client must be disclosed to the insurance company officials. The lawyer may not negotiate with insurance company officials when the lawyer has no client. To fail to disclose the identity of the client or to negotiate without a client would be to communicate a false statement of fact.
Inquiry #3:
If the answer to Inquiry #2 is "yes," when must the disclosure be made?
Opinion #3:
The lawyer must disclose the death of the client to the insurance company before continuing negotiations.
Inquiry #4:
Do the same ethical issues apply to each check, in light of the fact that Client's death from AIDS could never impact settlement of the medical payments claim?
Opinion #4:
Yes. See Opinion #2 above.
Inquiry #5:
Would it make any difference if the tortfeasor or the tortfeasor's insurance company was represented by legal counsel?
Opinion #5:
Inquiry #6:
Would it make any difference if Client was a minor?
Opinion #6: