Representing Insurance Carrier and Uncooperative Insured
Opinion rules that when an insured fails to cooperate with the defense, as required by the insurance contract, the insurance defense lawyer may follow the instructions of the insurance carrier unless the insured's lack of cooperation interferes with the defense or presenting an effective defense is harmful to the interests of the insured.
Inquiry #1:
Mr. and Ms. Inlaw were passengers in an automobile being driven by their daughter-in-law, Defendant, when an accident occurred. Mr. and Ms. Inlaw were both injured and brought an action against Defendant for their damages. Insurance Company assigned Attorney D to represent Defendant in the action. Defendant is either an insured under Insurance Company's liability insurance policy or is a third-party beneficiary of the policy.
The insurance policy provides that Insurance Company has the right to defend the action and to settle the lawsuit as it deems appropriate. The policy specifically requires Defendant to cooperate with Insurance Company in the defense of the lawsuit.
Insurance Company wants Attorney D to defend the suit to avoid or minimize the damages paid to the Inlaws. Defendant does not want a defense of the lawsuit that will jeopardize the Inlaws' recovery from Insurance Company.
May Attorney D defend the lawsuit effectively, as requested by Insurance Company, against the explicit instructions of Defendant?
Opinion #1:
A lawyer who is hired by an insurance carrier to defend one of its insureds (or a third-party beneficiary) represents both the insurer and the insured (or third-party beneficiary). See RPC 91, RPC 103, and RPC 172. However, when the insured has contractually surrendered control of the defense and of the authority to settle the lawsuit to the insurance carrier, the defense lawyer is generally obliged to accept the instructions of the insurance carrier in these matters. RPC 91.
Attorney D should advise Defendant of the conditions of representation set forth in the insurance policy and should encourage Defendant to consult with independent legal counsel as to the legal consequences of her failure to cooperate with the defense of the lawsuit.
Attorney D should also inform Defendant that he cannot represent her in a coverage dispute with Insurance Company because it would be a conflict of interest. Rule 1.7(a). He must advise her to employ independent legal counsel to provide representation in a coverage dispute. RPC 91.
If Defendant insists that Attorney D limit his defense, Attorney D must determine whether Defendant's lack of cooperation will interfere with his independent professional judgment. If so, he may seek to withdraw from the representation of both parties. Rule 1.7(b).
Inquiry #2:
May Attorney D's defense of the lawsuit include offering evidence and arguments that are contrary to the evidence Defendant would like to provide in support of the Inlaws' claims? For example, may Attorney D examine Defendant about her credibility and sympathies if she takes the witness stand?
Opinion #2:
Attorney D may offer evidence and arguments that are consistent with an effective defense but he may not act in a manner that is harmful to the interests of Defendant. See generally Rule 1.7. This means that he may not treat her as an adverse witness, publicly question her credibility, or humiliate her. Again, if Defendant's lack of cooperation interferes with an effective defense, Attorney D may seek to withdraw.
Inquiry #3:
May Attorney D disclose to Insurance Company information relative to Defendant's desire to offer no defense including statements, actions, and conduct that indicate that Defendant would like the Inlaws to be successful in the lawsuit?
Opinion #3:
No. Disclosure of this information to Insurance Company may be harmful to the interests of Defendant because Insurance Company may use this information to deny coverage to Defendant. Rule 1.6(a). Nevertheless, Attorney D may inform Insurance Company that Defendant has instructed him to take a substantially different approach on the defense than that requested by Insurance Company. He may also inform Insurance Company that he cannot represent Insurance Company in a coverage dispute, and he may advise Insurance Company to obtain independent counsel on this matter.
Inquiry #4:
If Attorney D withdraws from the representation of Defendant, and Insurance Company is allowed to defend in its own name, may Attorney D represent only Insurance Company in the defense of the action?
Opinion #4:
No, unless Attorney D's defense of Insurance Company does not require Attorney D to engage in defense tactics that are materially adverse to the interests of Defendant. Rule 1.9(a) prohibits a lawyer from representing a client whose interests are materially adverse to those of a former client in the same or a substantially related matter without the consent of the former client. A cross examination of Defendant in which Attorney D attempts to cast doubt on Defendant's credibility and to demonstrate bias on her part is prohibited. Attorney D is also prohibited from using confidential information of Defendant in the defense of Insurance Company without Defendant's consent. Rule 1.6(d).
Inquiry #5:
Is this ethics opinion binding as a matter of law?
Opinion #5:
Ethics opinions provide guidance to the members of the State Bar. Compliance with the opinions ensures that a lawyer's conduct complies with the Revised Rules of Professional Conduct. Like the Revised Rules of Professional Conduct, ethics opinions provide a structure for the regulation of the conduct of members of the State Bar but are not designed to be a basis for civil liability, to create a procedural weapon in litigation, or to create a right of enforcement by a party other than an appropriate disciplinary authority such as the North Carolina State Bar or the courts. See Comment [6] of Rule .02, "Scope."