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Agreement for Division of Fees Entered Upon Lawyer’s Departure from Firm

Adopted: January 25, 2013

Opinion rules that an agreement for a departing lawyer to pay his former firm a percentage of any legal fee subsequently recovered from the continued representation of a contingent fee client by the departing lawyer does not violate Rule 5.6 if the agreement was negotiated by the departing lawyer and the firm after the departing lawyer announced his departure from the firm and the specific percentage is a reasonable resolution of the dispute over the division of future fees.


Attorney B, an associate in Attorney A’s firm, resigned from the firm effective February 28, 2005. At the time of his resignation, Attorney B signed an agreement with the firm. The agreement provided that Attorney B would take all of the active client files for which the clients had indicated a desire for Attorney B to continue to represent them. The agreement also contained the following provision:

With respect to those files in which the client chooses Attorney B to conclude his or her active claim, upon recovery made by Attorney B on each such file, Attorney B shall forward to Attorney A, at the time of disbursement, 50% of the attorney’s fee collected on each settlement. This will include medical payments fees as well. Attorney B will also pay to Attorney A upon recovery the total amount of expenses due to Attorney A in accordance with [a computer expense printout provided by Attorney A]. Finally, Attorney B will forward to Attorney A a copy of the settlement sheet signed by the client reflecting the disbursements on each such file. All settlements negotiated by Attorney B through February 28, 2005, will be handled through Attorney A’s trust account.

Client entered into an agreement for representation on a personal injury claim with Attorney A’s firm on December 16, 2004, while Attorney B was still with the firm. When Attorney B left the firm in February 2005, Client chose to continue to be represented by Attorney B. The case was concluded in May 2010, with a deputy commissioner’s award to Client.

There is currently an “attorney-attorney” fee arbitration between Attorney A’s firm and Attorney B pending before the fee dispute committee of the local judicial district bar. The distribution of the legal fee from the resolution of Client’s worker’s compensation case is in dispute. The judicial district bar’s bylaws relating to the arbitration of such disputes provides: “The committee shall neither have nor exercise jurisdiction regarding disputes…which involve services that may constitute a violation of The North Carolina State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct, as now in effect or may be hereafter amended.” The presiding arbitrator has requested an opinion from the North Carolina State Bar on the following issue: Does the provision of the agreement quoted above comply with the Rules of Professional Conduct?


Rule 5.6(a) prohibits a lawyer from participating in offering or making a partnership, shareholders, operating, employment, or similar type of agreement that restricts the right of a lawyer to practice after termination of the relationship except an agreement concerning benefits upon retirement. This prohibition on restrictive covenants protects the freedom of clients to choose a lawyer and promotes lawyer mobility and professional autonomy. Rule 5.6, cmt. [1].

2008 FEO 8 examined provisions in three employment agreements to determine whether the agreements complied with Rule 5.6. Although the opinion ruled that all three agreements violated Rule 5.6, the opinion, nevertheless, encouraged lawyers to enter into agreements that will help to resolve potential disputes about the division of fees. While cautioning that “such agreements may not be so financially onerous or punitive as to deter a withdrawing lawyer from continuing to represent a client if the client chooses to be represented by the lawyer after the lawyer’s departure from the firm,” the opinion held that a lawyer may participate in the offering or making of an agreement that includes a provision for dividing legal fees received after a lawyer’s departure from a firm.

...provided the formula or procedure for dividing fees is, at the time the agreement is made, reasonably calculated to compensate the firm for the resources expended by the firm on the representation as of the date of the lawyer’s departure and will not discourage a departing lawyer from taking a case and thereby deny the client access to the lawyer of his choice.

Thus, the circumstances and timing of the execution of an agreement are important to the analysis of whether the agreement runs afoul of Rule 5.6.

In the current inquiry, the agreement was negotiated and entered into after Attorney B announced that he was leaving Attorney A’s firm. The agreement was, apparently, part of a global settlement of all issues relative to Attorney B’s departure. It was not entered into as a condition of continued employment, as were the agreements analyzed in 2008 FEO 8. It did not deter Attorney B from leaving the firm or from continuing to represent clients who chose to follow him to his new firm. In fact, the agreement specifically contemplated that Attorney B would continue to represent those clients. In light of the various stages of his cases at the time of his departure, a 50% split of the contingent fees to be earned on the cases cannot be viewed as “onerous” or “punitive.” Such a division of fees would favor Attorney B in some cases and disfavor him in others.

A division of fees based upon a fixed percentage that fairly allocates, over the range of cases, the value of the time and work expended before and after a lawyer leaves a firm is a reasonable means of achieving an efficient, equitable resolution of the fee division issues between a departing lawyer and the firm. Provided the lawyers deal fairly and honestly with each other without intimidation, threats, or misrepresentation, this type of agreement should be encouraged.

The provision of the agreement addressing costs advanced is consistent with 2008 FEO 8, which provides that the agreement “may require the departing lawyer to protect the firm’s interest in receiving reimbursement for costs advanced from any final settlement or judgment received by the client.”

Rule 1.5(e) requires a client’s written consent to the division of a fee between lawyers who are not in the same firm. This rule, however, does not apply to the current situation because the fee agreement with the client preceded Attorney B’s departure from the firm. Rule 1.5, cmt. [9].

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